Calm Is The New Cool: The Importance Of Staying Calm In Times Of Chaos

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“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare,” wrote groundbreaking feminist and activist Audre Lorde. This used to be a radical idea, especially in America, home of the 40-plus-hour work week and famously unused vacation time. Today, the importance of mental health and self-care has reached an apex, with the last four years of political and social unrest culminating in a blindsiding pandemic. Now more than ever, self-care practices are increasingly recognized as not only beneficial, but essential. For Mental Health Awareness Month, the following practices and products can help you stay calm during these unruly times.


Gaining popularity thousands of years since its inception, meditation is more than a passing fad. Viewed in previous decades as “woo woo” or religion-specific, this spiritual practice is now nearly ubiquitous. Studies have shown that meditation can improve your emotional state, increase clarity and focus, and support overall wellbeing. A consistent meditation practice can help you find and cultivate inner calm, so you feel less rocked by emotions and the ups and downs of life and more grounded within yourself — therefore you're more capable of handling whatever life throws your way.

If you’re intimidated by the thought of meditation, then you are probably the kind of person who needs to meditate the most. The trick is to find a type of meditation that you connect with. For beginners, any kind of guided meditation is best. It lets you focus your mind instead of paying attention to all of the thoughts in your head. Choose a specific meditation that will serve you, whether it’s to relax, forgive, or energize. YouTube is a treasure trove of guided meditation videos in all flavors, and new apps like Calm and Headspace make the practice customizable and accessible. 

Mindfulness, a sister to meditation, is also rising in popularity, based on the idea that being present in each moment can help you stay steady and balanced. Whether it’s unplugging for meals or family time or really noticing the sensation of brushing your teeth or washing the dishes, being fully present in your mind and body can help sensitize you to your inner world. 


Mental health itself is nothing to be ignored. While previously stigmatized, the last few years have really brought forth the importance of discussing mental health, from more and more celebrities publicly discussing their mental health issues, to the rise of new apps like TalkSpace that connect you with a licensed therapist, to easily accessible Instagram accounts like The Holistic Psychologist that show mental health and self-care to be less about solving a problem and more about living the healthiest life possible. The calorie tracker of yesteryear has become the sleep, meditation, and period tracker, as we find balance and comfort in our own natural cycles in a world that seems to be getting more and more unpredictable. Products that enhance the ability to stay calm and elevate our rituals of self-care will be important in the coming future, such as calming sleep masks, soothing facial sheet masks, CBD enhanced skincare products, or ingestible wellness vitamins made with natural healing ingredients.


While there are countless effective self-care practices and products out there, the ones that work are the ones you use and do consistently and make you feel good. Make it a goal to prioritize your mental health in a manageable way every day, and you will find yourself calmer, happier, and stronger as a result.